Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is microblading?
Microblading is a very natural form of eyebrow tattooing. Very thin ‘hair like’ strokes are strategically tattooed into the skin behind existing brow hair to create density, definition and to help fill in sparse areas for the perfect brow. Depending on your skin type, after care, and lifestyle, results should last 12-18months, after that you will need to come in for an annual color retouch to keep your brows looking perfect. Microblading is a great way to keep updated with current trends without having to commit to a ‘traditional’ brow tattoo.

Will you help me decide the best option for my skin?

Yes! It can be overwhelming trying to figure out which technique is best for your skin. Your technician will look at your brows and take into consideration what style you want to help you choose the best technique and shape for your brows.

How do I book an appointment? 
To schedule an appointment please contact us at the studio or follow our booking link to schedule online. Text message is the easiest and quickest way to get a response. If you do wish to call please be sure to leave a message with your name, number and what service you are calling about. 

Will you touch up someone else’s work?
No. Our touch up service is only for our existing clients. If you have had your brows done elsewhere, we do not go over them until they have lightened significantly. If your brows have been done incorrectly and you are wanting me to fix it then a correction fee may be added and full prices will still apply. If you are unsure if your brows are ready be tattooed again or fixed please send a very clear picture of the brow in natural lighting. You can text or email the picture to us or stop by the studio and have someone take a look at it.

If your tattoo is deemed too dark to work with you can set up a consultation for laser free tattoo removal. WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO WORK OVER BROWS THAT HAVE BEEN LASERED. Please consult with a brow specialist before you make any big decisions.

How long do the appointments take?
Please arrive 15-20 minutes early to find parking and fill out consent forms.
How long will I take to heal?
Your skin will take a total of 6-8 weeks to completely heal and show true results. Touch ups are done at 2-3 months to ensure that the skin is strong again. NO, you cannot touch up before the 2-3 months.

Is it painful?
Although we do use two different numbing agents during the procedure (Lidocaine & Tetracaine) Pain tolerance is different in each individual. Some clients may experience slight discomfort and a stinging sensation. Be mentally prepared as it IS cosmetic tattooing, it is not pain-free.

Who is NOT suitable for the procedure?
Please disclose any medically conditions when making a booking. We may require you to bring additional information from your GP to your consultation.

Extremely Oily skin accompanied by does not hold pigment as well as other skin types. Strokes may not heal as crisp and clients may experience less pigment retention. An additional session may also be required to perfect it. Ombre Brows & Combo Brows may be a better option for you.

Aside from that if you have any one of these please consult with us before booking the appointment;

  • Women who are pregnant will not be performed on. If you are breast feeding you will need to consult with your doctor and bring a note saying its safe for you to do this procedure. 

  • Undergoing or have undergone chemo recently

  • Using Accutane

  • Have a heart condition or using heart medications (will require a physician’s note)

  • Those with Diabetes (will require a physician’s note)

  • Have Skin Disease or irritations

  • Have had Botox in the last 2 weeks

  • Dark tan or chemical peels in the last 3 weeks

Lastly, those who are allergic to lidocaine, tetracaine or has any serious medical conditions may require a physician’s note.

What types of pigments do you use?
Permablend, Evenflo and Mara Colors.

Can I wear makeup around them?
It is not recommended to use any kind of foundation around your brows, the skin should be kept clean for up to 10 days after. Eye makeup is okay.

Will I be able to return back to work the next day?
Yes, swelling and redness will subside within 24hrs. The color of your brows will be dark for the first few days but will soften

Does it hurt afterwards?
The area can be a little sore for the first few hours and tender to touch for a couple days. A lot of clients describe the pain afterwards like a fresh sunburn.

Is there a risk of infection?
There is minimal risk of infection as strict hygiene standards are maintained. Sterile, disposable, single use needles from sealed packets are used. It is also up to the client to do their part in keeping the brow clean when they are healing.